
Extend shelf life, retain more taste, colour, aroma and nutritional value, and improve extraction for your juice and smoothies
Premium quality with extended shelf-life
PEF enables safe preservation of the raw product at low temperatures, retaining more of the freshness and nutritional value lost to traditional pasteurisation techniques.
Low running and maintenance costs
PEF processing costs of 0,01 – 0,02 € per litre of product, substantially lower than any other low thermal technology suitable for juices or smoothies.
Use any packaging material
PEF is applied before filling and is independent of the type of bottling material. PET or glass bottles, pouches or other consumer packaging can be used. B2B solutions such as sterile tanks are also suitable.
PEF dramatically improves extraction
PEF causes pores to form in the plant cell which improves extraction. Yield can be increased, and valuable compounds can be extracted without the need for additional enzymes.
Premium quality with extended shelf-life
PEF enables safe preservation of the raw product at low temperatures, retaining more of the freshness and nutritional value lost to traditional pasteurisation techniques.
Low running and maintenance costs
PEF processing costs of 0,01 – 0,02 € per litre of product, substantially lower than any other low thermal technology suitable for juices or smoothies.
Use any packaging material
PEF is applied before filling and is independent of the type of bottling material. PET or glass bottles, pouches or other consumer packaging can be used. B2B solutions such as sterile tanks are also suitable.
PEF dramatically improves extraction
PEF causes pores to form in the plant cell which improves extraction. Yield can be increased, and valuable compounds can be extracted without the need for additional enzymes.

Professor-von-Klitzing-Str. 9
49610 Quakenbrück
49610 Quakenbrück
more information
Hall 10.1 | B068 C069