
Electronic safety control - "Singlelock"
For use with BFM® Tool Release ("TR") connectors.
The Singlelock sensor unit, placed directly next to the TR smiley punching, reliably (up to Performance Level D possible) checks the presence or correct fit of the BFM® connection. The corresponding signal is sent to the electrical control system of your system (a suitable switching amplifier may be required), which can then process it accordingly (e.g. machine stop, warning message, etc.).
For use with BFM® Tool Release ("TR") connectors.
The Singlelock sensor unit, placed directly next to the TR smiley punching, reliably (up to Performance Level D possible) checks the presence or correct fit of the BFM® connection. The corresponding signal is sent to the electrical control system of your system (a suitable switching amplifier may be required), which can then process it accordingly (e.g. machine stop, warning message, etc.).

Neue Heimat 16
74343 Sachsenheim
74343 Sachsenheim
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Hall 5.2 | B038
Professionelle Reinigungsanlagen für Druck- und Schaumreinigung, Behälterreinigung, Mischerreinigung