
Space-saving and flexible drainage of washing solutions with proven BFM® concept!
- Can replace open stainless steel drip pans and complex piping concepts.
- Closed process without splashing water, evaporation...
- Visual inspection of the connection point through the (semi) transparent material.
- Changeover from production operation to the washing process and back again in seconds.
- Also possible for use under sieves / vibrating chutes for space-saving product discharge to the side.
- Can replace open stainless steel drip pans and complex piping concepts.
- Closed process without splashing water, evaporation...
- Visual inspection of the connection point through the (semi) transparent material.
- Changeover from production operation to the washing process and back again in seconds.
- Also possible for use under sieves / vibrating chutes for space-saving product discharge to the side.

Neue Heimat 16
74343 Sachsenheim
74343 Sachsenheim
more information
Hall 5.2 | B038
Professionelle Reinigungsanlagen für Druck- und Schaumreinigung, Behälterreinigung, Mischerreinigung