Cologne: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Smart Label

Intelligent Sensor Technology for Opening Time Monitoring and Dynamic BBD

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Smart labels could help to further reduce food waste. PolyTaksys GmbH from Longuich has developed a self-powered electronic nanosensor that accompanies the life cycle of a product as an intelligent label. It can be opened or used as an integrative packaging component, indicates the opening time of a product based on temperature and displays a dynamic best-before date (BBD). In addition to food, it could also be used for animal feed and pharmaceutical products as well as in logistics.

According to Eurostat, the EU will generate over 58 million tonnes of food waste per year (131 kg/inhabitant) in 2023, with an estimated market value of 132 billion euros (SWD(2023)421). Many consumers consider food to be spoilt when it has reached its best-before date (BBD). Around 60 per cent of food waste occurs in households. Around 36 per cent of this is due to the best-before date having expired. Apparently it is often misinterpreted.

Smart Technologies

Smart Technologies

Electronic nanofilm processor

The intelligent label, U4FOOD from PolyTaksys, consists of a self-powered electronic nanofilm processor and has a self-writing effect. This technology, which can be integrated as a sticker or, in future, into the packaging, allows the environmental conditions and circumstances of storage and transport of products to be taken into account, particularly in the refrigeration sector. This serves to determine the best-before date more precisely, therefore reducing its safety buffer. The smart, product-specific programmed sensor permanently measures temperature, time and humidity. On this basis, the label successively releases customer-specific information, for example in the form of a traffic light that progresses from green to yellow to red, in order to encourage early product consumption. In the first step, this is implemented as an opening time monitor, in the second step as a dynamic BBD. Alternatively, automatic price reductions can be displayed after a defined period of time.

Successively opened smart label

© U4Food

Open Monitor technology

The label is activated either automatically via the product moisture when the product is opened, by filling the package or by manual activation. Information is published in a customised sequence and message over a defined period of time, e.g. 1, 2 and 3 days. The innovative Open Monitor technology makes it possible to monitor the product's value chain individually from production through transport to the consumer and to make it transparent via packaging information. The monitored cold chain becomes a new dimension in food safety, as the dynamic label automatically and independently extends or shortens the best-before date depending on the cooling quality. With RFID coupling and, in the next step, 2D reading, these functions can also be transferred from the analogue to the digital level, making them usable for logistical tasks. By combining this with other technologies like temperature start times or shock sensors, the causes of the damage can be precisely defined in terms of time.

The U4FOOD label reminds consumers to consume products with a limited shelf life, helps to reduce food loss and waste in the refrigerated sector, provides information about the product/brand and, in addition to sustainability, ultimately leads to an increase in sales. Additional test market customers and investors are currently being sought to further develop this innovative technology.

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