The event
Lyras A/S, is a Danish company, specializing in treatment of opaque liquid products, using ultra violet light. The UV-C light inactivates micro organisms in the liquids. Unlike other UV-C light processing plants then systems supplied by Lyras effectively treat opaque liquids, e.g. whey, whey concentrates, juices, brine, bloodplasma, softdrinks, syrups, brewery products and precise fermentation products.
The Lyras technology, called raslysation, is a hygenically designed complete processing system. Main advantages are much less energy and water consumption compared to both pasteurisation and filtration systems.
Raslysation is a sustainable, cold processing technology that saves 60-90% energy and 60-80% water while obtaining same or better kill rate than standard pasteurisation. Raslysation processing plants can handle upto 380.000 l/h. More over the raslysation technology is a cold technology, meaning that no heat induced changes are happening to the proteins, nor the fat.
Finally, the technology only requires electricity for the processing. As the technology enables fossil free operation, i.e. full electricification then all the processing energy can be sourced from regenerative energy sources only.
In short raslysation, enables food, feed, and industrial processers to convert their thermal processing of non-see through liquids into cold processing, while achieving similar, same or better product qualities. During the presentation I will by industrial scale examples demonstrate what and where some of our raslysation systems operate, and what benfits they bring our customers. It being hight product quality, better yields, less and clean energy usage or a combination of the three.