60489 Frankfurt
The event
Globally, about one third of all food produced is lost during production, post-harvest, processing, retail or consumer handling. This corresponds to 1.3 billion tons of food lost. Due to the growing world population and the environmental impacts associated with food production, food losses should be reduced. There are many approaches to achieve this. Many involve digitalization and artificial intelligence. How do digital measures specifically contribute to reducing food losses? How great is their potential to enrich the value chain in other ways as well? This event has answers for you.
Added value through automation in the food industry
Michael Schüpbach, European Sales Coordinator (Food&Beverage), FANUC Europe, Biel, Switzerland
The REIF project: Using AI against food waste
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Braunreuther, Professor of Factory Operation and Production, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering | Production Technology Centre, Augsburg, Germany
Dr. Felicitas Schneider, Coordinator Collaboration Initiative Food Loss and Waste, Thünen Institute for market analysis, Braunschweig, Germany