60489 Frankfurt
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Insects as food? While many consumers cannot imagine this, insects have recently been approved as a novel food and are gaining ground. On the one hand, insects provide a sustainable alternative for animal products elsewhere. On the other hand, nutritionally they are a good alternative to conventional protein sources. Nevertheless, the acceptance of insects is low and there are challenges in breeding them in large quantities. Do insects have long-term potential to enter our diet? What are the arguments for and against insects as an ingredient for the food production? Be up to date.
Cheryl Rock Ph. D., Associate Professor of Food Science, California State University Long Beach, California, United States of America
Prof. Dr. Ir. Arnold van Huis, Tropical entomologist, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Tilo Hühn, Center management food composition and process design, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland