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Biofilms are ubiquitous in our environment, including our food factories. We now know that biofilms are more than just microbial slime, they are complex communities of mixed microorganisms that communicate and work together to optimise their growth and survival. This collaborative approach is, in part, the reason for their successful colonisation and persistence in nature.
In a food factory this colonisation and persistence can have a severe impact on the safety and quality of the products being made. It can also have a severe impact on the business operator as, using molecular identification techniques, it is now even easier than before for enforcement authorities to determine the source of microbial contamination in foods, and to determine whether the microorganism in question has been involved previously. Consequently, effective control of biofilms is essential to minimise risk to both the consumer and the food business operator.
Generally, biofilm control is affected through cleaning and disinfection, but it actually requires a multi-facetted approach that starts with good hygienic design and ends with effective cleaning and disinfection.
Bioflims can only form given sufficient moisture and time to develop. Poorly designed equipment and facilities can allow moisture and debris to accumulated and be difficult to remove. Cleaning aids the removal of the biofilm but does not inactivate the microbes. Studies have shown that the complex make up of a biofilm can afford it greatly increased resistance to chemical disinfectants, and that the resistance of the biofilm to these chemicals can vary dependent on their microbial composition. Consequently, an effective biofilm control strategy requires a joint task forces approach.
This presentation provides an overview of the composition and formation of biofilms; their effect on food quality and safety; and the multi-faceted approach required to effectively control them.